Coaches have an outside perspective that’s hard to see when you’re entrenched in the moment. It’s like having another set of eyes and ears to help guide you in your pursuit of a better life.
One of the most frequent questions I receive in regards to consulting is, why do I need one? Most people feel getting a coach is like admitting that they have a problem. When in reality it’s the complete opposite. The worst problem is the one you don’t acknowledge. The most successful people on the planet have coaches, and consultants to help them in life and business.
So why would people like Richard Branson, Oprah, and insert CEO names here search out coaches when they are at the top of their games? Well to be honest it’s the same reason that Tom Brady needs a quarterback coach, or Michael Jordan had a trainer he worked with everyday. Coaches have an outside perspective that’s hard to see when you’re entrenched in the moment. It’s like having another set of eyes and ears to help guide you in your pursuit of a better life.
I have been blessed by being around some of the best basketball coaches in the world. Through their mentorship and teaching I have been able to see what separates the good from the great. Great coaches pay attention to detail, they care, and they know that even the worst loss has a lesson hidden inside it.
Throughout my own life lessons and the ones I have learned on the hardwood I developed a coaching program that caters to the leading scorer or the last person off the bench.
I look forward to helping you in this game we call life.
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